

Grace has lost her first tooth! She was VERY excited. But her excitement over the tooth actually coming out only rivaled the excitement she had when she first figured out it was loose. She was SO excited. She honestly got a little teary she was so happy. It was very sweet. She has been wanting to lose a tooth for a while now.

Speaking of teeth. We also just recently took our kids to the dentist for the first time. (I know! Grace should have been in ages ago...naughty mommy!) Anyway, we went to a Pediatric Dentist, which was actually kind of fun. The office was all sorts of decked out with play areas and colorful animals. And, they were really good about making sure the kids were comfortable and knew what all the equipment was, giving the dental tools fun names. For example that funky vacuum water-sprayer was "Mr. Thirsty." Sounds a little cheesy, but the kids ate it up. I think it was especially good for Anderson. He tends to be more timid in new situations. Anyway if you got a kiddo that's had a bad dentist experience or is just more like my Anderson, a Pediatric Dentist might be the way to go. If you're interested, this will tell you more about WHY you might want to choose a Peds Dentist.


G said...

They use some of the same "tricks" at our ped dentist. We went to a ped dentist because I needed to have Claire checked out when she was just under 2 years old, so I was really nervous about how she would handle it. I'm really glad now that we have a ped dentist. Claire looks forward to going SO much!

Grace looks so cute and "grown up" with her missing tooth!

Melanie said...

I can't believe she's already lost a tooth!They grow so fast! Her smile is fantastic!