
A Clean Spring

Cleaning is always on my mind. Mostly because my place is always a wreck. Therefore, I have been working on establishing routines for myself to help keep the house in order. This is something I learned from the FLY Lady and, from my minimal experience in the business world. In the land of business I was taught to establish systems or, again, routines.

Below is a list of rules and routines I have set up for myself that seem to be making a difference. In no fancy order here they are:

1. NEVER PUT CLOTHES IN THE WASHER IF THERE ARE CLOTHES IN THE DRYER. I know it seems a little annoying, but if something comes up (or I forget) and I don't have time to fold the clothes in the dryer and put them away, where am I going to find time to dry and fold the load I just put in the washer? I won't. They'll just sit in that washer and get stinky. And then I'll have to wash them again.

2. ALWAYS FOLD THE CLOTHES STRAIGHT FROM THE DYER. Don't let clean clothes pile up in baskets or on the bed.

3. DO ONE LOAD OF WASH EVERY DAY. This was a tip from Sink Reflections, written by our friend the Fly Lady. And when I have laundry piled up (because I don't always follow my rules) it makes the task seem less daunting and more manageable.

4. COOK SOMETHING EVERY DAY. I read this on a blog somewhere, I wish I could remember where. I haven't done it yet. But I sure have been thinking about it alot! :) And, I really think it would make a difference for me. (I sort of hate to cook. It's something I've got to get over!)

5. START THE DISHWASHER BEFORE I GO TO BED EVERY NIGHT-even if it's not totally full. I know it's not the "greenest" thing to do. But, otherwise, halfway through the next day I've got a full dishwasher and my dishes start to pile.

6. UNLOAD THE DISHWASHER 1ST THING EACH MORNING. Again if the dishwasher is full--even it's full of CLEAN dishes--the stacks of dishes appear.

So, those are my rules. They probably sound a little silly to most of you. Do any of you have "rules" you set up for yourselves? I would love to hear them.

1 comment:

G said...

Good rules! Many that I aspire to myself. A rule I had to make for myself ever since I got a bigger kitchen is that there are only certain kitchen surfaces I'm allowed to put dirty dishes on. That way when other rules fail and the dirty dishes start to pile up (since they inevitably do), at least they're confined to certain spots and not taking over the WHOLE kitchen. Also, it means I feel the need to clean up the disaster sooner!