

I have a thing for documentaries. I just finished watching Mad Hot Ballroom. It's about a bunch of 5th graders who are taught to ballroom dance. Then they have this competition, and I thought it was actually pretty cute, but Nate went to bed half way through. Yeah, I think you have to be a really patient movie-watcher in order to enjoy documentaries. I mean, you can't really go into them with the same expectations as other, what some may call, "real" movies. Can you? No, because, it has been my experience that their plots (if they exist) are pretty slow and predictable. And, in the end, I admittedly feel a little dissatisfied. So, why do I keep watching them? Maybe it's because, supposedly, they deal with REAL people and REAL life. Maybe I'm hoping to learn something from those people and their experiences. Maybe it makes me feel smart and I can say, "I watch documentaries, ho ho ho, aren't I spiffy!" I just really don't know. Do any of you know of any REALLY GOOD documentaries? I would love to hear about them!


G said...

I kind of like them too but I don't know any good ones. I'll have to check back for any recommendations you get!

Melanie said...

Josh watched a film at work about a little girl who was a really gifted painter...or was she? I think it was called, "My kid could paint that". Honestly, I can't remember if I watched it with him or not (I did see the trailer).But the director of the film was at Pixar when they showed it and so they got to have a Q & A session afterwards, which Josh really liked. Josh also saw a movie at work called, Unknown White Male, about a guy who wakes up on Coney Island and has no idea who he is. It sounds really good. You should check them out! If you haven't already.

Lauren said...

Roberto and I both enjoy watching documentaries about the effects of war in developing nations. I think this stems from his childhood experience growing up in El Salvador and living thorugh the civil war there. Anyways, war documentaries can sometimes show greusome images, but it's real and turning our heads away does not make it go away. If this interests you at all, there is a documentary called "The Devil came on Horseback" that you must see. I think everyone should see it. Currently, genocide is happening in Darfur, Sudan and close to a million people have lost their lives. The war is still happening at this very minute and we never hear anything about it on the news. It's horrible what these people have endured and they desperately need help from the international community to survive. The people that do the killing are called the 'janjaweed, which tranlates into "devil on horseback" (the title of the movie). Do not be scared of this movie. It is meant to be educational and informative. We also like the Michael Moore documentaries "Sicko" and "An Inconvenient Truth." I do not agree with all of his political views, but these documentaries are not about bashing the president or our nation, as they have been portrayed. "Sicko" is about the healthcare crisis here in the U.S. and "An Inconvenient Truth" is about global warming. Check any of these out, they will amaze you!

kristi lou said...

Melanie: I had heard of "my kid could paint that"and remember really wanting to see it...I total forgot about it. Thanks for the reminder.

Lauren: I haven't seen any war documentaries or any of the Michael Moore ones. I will definitely look into those.

Thanks girls!

kristi lou said...

Oh! I just wanted to add that it really is so good to hear from you all!

Cassie said...

Kristi...I haven't seen any documentaries, but if you wanted to read an autobiography, "As I Have Loved You" by Kitty du Ruyter is so amazing you almost can't believe its real. I REALLY think you would like it.

kristi lou said...

Thanks Cass! I'll for sure take a look at it.

Melanie said...

Hey Kristi- So I was talking to Josh the other day and he said that he also saw a movie called, King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters. It's about die hard video gamers. He said he really enjoyed it.

RicAnn said...

Hey Lou-
I've also seen "Sicko" and "Inconvenient Truth" I surprisingly enjoyed them a lot. Dave has opened me up to all kinds of things :)