
Saturday, March 21, 2020

Today for the first time in WAY too long, I went on a walk/run alone. I went about 3 miles. I went from my house down the hill to the trailhead, from the trailhead up to Pretty Valley, then down the dirt road from Pretty Valley to my home. It felt very good and took me about an hour. The hike up is pretty steep and I ran some of it, but also took lots of breaks. Maybe if I do that a few times a week, by the end of this Corona Virus shenanigan I'll be able to run the whole thing. It's a lofty goal, like I said it's steep! but it's definitely feasible.

We did a little yard work and I finally completed our 72 hour kits as much as I can for now. Nate took the kids on a hike a couple of canyons over to Bair's Canyon I think it was. He said there were a lot of people there. While they were gone, I worked to get everything pulled together in the little girls' room to paint it. We've had the paint for weeks! After gathering everything and getting the beds and stuff covered, I was too tired to actually paint. I lay on my bed and slept. It felt good. And then I worked on my quilt (I think I've got all the squares laid out where I want them!) and made dinner. I had no desire to paint. The poor girls though, their room has been in chaos and we need to get that project done. I'm making it my goal for the week. I need to prime it first, then paint. I think the extra step of priming is what is making this seem like such an obstacle. This week though, this week. :)

Then Nate and I and the older kids stayed up WAY too late watching several episodes of Stranger Things. We only watch it with the VidAngel which allows us to edit the language and inappropriate parts, otherwise I don't think that show would be worth watching.

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