
Let's Help

Many of you may or may not have heard of the Mesa couple involved in a plane crash August 16th. I'm not sure exactly were to start but, they could use our help. There is a benefits concert being held for them this Saturday in Mesa. If you're in the area and want to buy tickets you can buy them at www.mindygledhill.com. If you too would like to follow their recoveries, and learn more ways to be involved you can do so here.


Bayles Clan said...

yes i have-they are relatives of one of bryan's work associates/old professor. it is a tragic story and i agree we must help.

Bayles Clan said...

i will pass this to matt and lynette and cori-maybe they can attend to help

Sally said...

Kristi! I happened across your blog via a link somewhere...I can't remember really. So did you go to this concert? I was there! We still need to get together sometime. PS...your kids are SO CUTE! I can't even believe how much Grace has grown!