
Week 4 Quarantine & World Wide Fast

Well, we made it through another week. That makes four. I have to admit, it's starting to wear on me. Today we fasted with hundreds of thousands around the world that we might get this Covid-19 virus under control, that the medical professionals fighting this would be strengthened, that the economy might recover and that we might return to some normalcy. I'm so proud of the kids. They all fasted all day until dinner. I don't think they have ever all done that before. It was awesome.

The weather has been warming up--thank heaven!
Grace made bread from scratch. She ground the wheat and everything. She made four loaves and gave two to a friend whose family is going through some extra hard things. Sweet girl.
The boys have been running. I even joined Anderson on a run. It kicked my trash.
Also this week I started tearing down the wallpaper in the bathroom on the main floor.
Kit has been getting bigger. She's starting to be quite the personality. She loves to dance and will dance to pretty much any rhythm. The rhythm of the printer, the rhythm of someone sanding, any rhythm. It's cute and funny.

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