
Grill 'Em

So, we got a grill today. We went out to buy a ceiling fan, and instead, came home with a grill. We've been wanting one for a long time now. And, you know, it's really funny, (and frankly, a little lame) but while Nate was out there grilling, and I was in making a salad, I felt like we had a "arrived" so to speak, sort of like we're a "real" family now that we have a grill. So, it's like somehow in my mind we've been a "pretend" family up to this point-with our 3 kids and our station wagon?!? Who knows?! I think I would have had the same feelings if we had brought home a dog. For some reason in Kristiland those things: grills, dogs, and probably some other things not yet known to me, represent "familyhood". I'm crazy! I know!

So, Hey. Anyone got any good grill recipes?


Cassie said...

I'm not a great griller...you'll have to let me know if you get any great recipes. Something we do love is skewers. We love to do cut pieces of steak, chicken, (pre-cooked) potatoes, cherry tomatoes, squash, zucinni, ...whatever sounds good to you. Then just brush them with steak sauce, bbq sauce...whatever and cook them. MMMMMMMmmmmm. Also, don't forget to soak the sticks in water for an hour or so before so your sticks don't burn into nothing.

A super simple thing to do...is just marinate your chicken in italian dressing before cooking. It makes it so juicy and yummy. It really makes a surprising different. I also love balsamic vinagrette. Good luck grilling.

kristi lou said...

Yum Cass! We will definitely try the kabobs AND the Italian dressing! Thanks!

Amateur Steph said...

That's funny Kristi- I had a similar feeling when we bought our grill this summer. When we planted flowers (which have now mostly died) I felt like we really owned our house, and were "real" homeowners. How funny!
The Italian dressing chicken is so good! We just tried that one the other night. Yum.

Heidi said...

There is something about having a grill - and you're not silly - you have those same feelings when you get a dog, we have two know (crazy hun) I think we have those feelings because it reminds us what we did/had as kids, at least that is how I feel when I find myself doing the same things with my kids as my parents did.

I think the fresh Chicken from Sam's Club is the best for grillin. Fresh meats are much better than frozen meats that have de-frosted. You're grill will go great with your garden!

Keep those pix comming - I am always checkin in to see how you all are doing. Take care, love you - Heidi

Shuman X Seven said...

Crazy, we just got a grill this summer too! But, I guess we were a family when we got our family dog. But, I understand what you meant. I totally felt that, when we got our mini van. We were on child number three, but it wasn't until we got the mini van, that I really felt we were a solid true blue family. funny how things hit you some times. We like the Italian dressing chicken too, but we also like making S'mores on the grill. YUM.

Anonymous said...

We have been wanting a grill for SO long!
It is so funny that you feel that way, I had similar feelings and figured I was alone.
I felt so much like we are a "real family" because we got our golden retriever. haha!