
Last Day of School: Covid Style

Well, this week the kids finished up all of their school work- I'm so proud of them. For the most part, they were all very diligent and self-motivated. I have to admit that I got tired of them being on those computers SO MUCH! Online learning is not ideal. Though, I'm grateful to have it as an option, and I know the teachers were doing their best with a crummy situation. (I mean teachers are just awesome-right?) 

This was Gibson's last day of elementary school. I'm pretty sure I shed tears on the way to, and from, the school. I'm not sure Gibson shed any tears.  Each student drove to their teacher's designated station and handed over their laptop and other items belonging to the school, and the teacher delivered a bag of the students belongings, a yearbook etc. I tried to make it fun by blasting party music on the radio, it helped a little, I think. I made Gibson get out so I could at least get a decent picture of him with his teacher. 

Gibson did have a social distancing campfire at a friend's house last night, I think it was really good for him to see his friends from school. They each brought their own stuff for smores, Gibson brought his Cafe Rio dinner. So as not to share food and thus germs.
And here's Lilla and her sweet teacher. (I should of had her get out of the car for a pic.) I of course cried during this too.

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