
I won?!?

Guess what!?! I won a magazine subscription to this great magazine on DesignMom! I can't believe I actually won something. Hooray! Thanks DesignMom!


Melanie said...

Doesn't it feel great to win something?I've only ever won one thing-a portable radio.I still use it. I will never part with it (well, I probably will, but you get my point!)But too fun to get something in the mail! I checked out designmom's blog.If you haven't already, you should check out nienie dialogues.She seems like she'd be up your alley.Mary Glauser met her in NJ.

kristi lou said...

Really? I've heard of nienie and been there a couple of times. i'll have to check in more often. when do we get to see a blog with more of your cute faces?! ;)

Melanie said...

I already waste so much of my time on the computer.And while I don't think blogging is a waste of time, I'm just not sure my kids could handle it.I'd have to lay down some blogging rules if I do start!Do you love blogging?Can you give a quick list of pros/cons? Do I ask too much? :)

Melanie said...

Okay, so maybe I don't need so much a pros/cons list as much as I need reassurance that I won't become addicted.I mean, who wants to be the first head case that has to join the 12 step program of Bloggers Anonymous? ...not me...and I know that's where I'd be headed!

Christina Huling said...

First, congrats on the big win Kristi! :) Melanie, if I may add my thoughts... First, it makes me so happy to visit my friends blogs. I feel that I can really be a part of their lives even across country! Second, I don't think it's a waste of time because I use it as my journal and you can organize (and make scrapbooks) of your pictures along the way. Personally, I think it's good geneology. Who's to say that our kids won't read these someday? If you create one, please send me the address!

kristi lou said...

Mel, I have to admit that blogging can be addicting and a means of wasting a lot of time if you let it. I, personally, have to be careful not to get carried away. But, I like to blog because I like to write. It helps me think. And it's sort of a creative outlet. It also provides me with a means of interacting with all of you-whom I probably would not interact with otherwise. Another thing is, and this may sound weird, or even selfish, but I find blogging strangely validating. There's just something about putting something out into the world and having people comment on it that makes me happy-I know sort of dorky and weird hu?

Anyway Mel, I think it's awesome that you're so cautious about the way you spend you're time. Good for you!

Melanie said...

Okay, Okay...I think I'm convinced. We'll see if I get around to it though. Thinking of a blog name is seriously hard! Thanks Christina for your words too!