
Hello There

Wow! It has been a really long time since I have posted anything on this blog. But I'm feeling inspired by other blogs. And so, though, I'm sure no one will probably ever read this post, I'm going to write anyway. If for no other reason, than just to remind me how beautiful my life is. I really have a great life. And, just having moved to Boston, we have embarked on an amazing adventure. Today we went to the MIT Sailing Pavilion. It was remarkable. I have seen sail boats many times, but have yet to sail on one. Even today, I sat at the dock with Miss Bee who cannot swim, and so, cannot ride the sailboats at the MIT pavilion. But anyway. I was inspired by watching those who were out sailing, I mean really sailing--jumping from one side of the boat to the other to keep from capsizing, totally leaning out with the sail. It was a lot more active than I had imagined. Also, the thought of moving through the water and only using the WIND as power...that's cool. It reminds me of the way I felt the first time I made a doll from scratch, and entirely by hand. There's something about it that's empowering. I'm really excited to learn to sail.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I haven't blogged in forever either... I think this is a good time for catching up :) I love seeing your kids on the edge of the water with Nate! What a fun adventure you guys are on! hope you are doing well and that you had a great and happy Christmas! Love you! - Heidi